If you don't make up words, how are you ever going to say anything new?

At Firebulb, we believe that design can solve nearly any problem, and our approach gives us fluency across many media. In essence, the designer is always making something from nothing, and reaching into the void to solve human needs, and sometimes environmental and social ones. Because we are interested in making the world a better place through new businesses, new products, new creative works and a sustainable perspective, we have brought strong design skills to bear in many fields.

In our portfolio, you will find a range of work from knockout presentations and pitches that have spearheaded 30 year infrastructure projects and raised millions of dollars for new and expanding businesses, interactive motion designs, user interfaces and websites, as well as visual effects, animation, film and artwork. We bring an intelligent angle to projects involving interactivity, movement, story telling and collaborative arts. We always view your project as a whole, as part of your business ecosystem, and with a view for long-term results.

We believe in the power of prototyping and research to test our designs, whether physical products and interactive artwork, user interfaces, or the stories we tell through film and presentation work. This user-centered approach reduces risk to our clients and helps us deliver a product that speaks to your market.

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